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The mission of the Rock County LGBTQ+ Committee is to promote a safe, inclusive, and accepting environment for all LGBTQ+ community members, through education, activities, and support systems.

Connecting the LGBTQIA+ Community in Rock County, Wisconsin.

In 2019 the Rock County LGBTQ+ Committee began. Our goals were to create support
for all LGBTQIA+ members in Rock County, as well as support the LGBTQIA+ groups that are
in Rock County. We began with creating our mission and grew our committee into a net for
all Rock County groups and community members to gain education, support, and safety.

At Rock County LGBTQ+ Committee we have support groups for all ages, case management
that may help with housing, legal assistance, and finding a job. Our committee offers
counseling, domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy, and promotion of all Rock County
LGBTQIA+ groups and their offerings. We also have the Rock County PRIDE theater group
that creates a musical production yearly focused on LGBTQIA+ themes, ideas and needs.

We strive to help make connections for all LGBTQIA+ members in our county. Please take
the time to browse our site and learn about the opportunities we offer, as well as what
other groups in Rock County offer.

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